Causes of pain under the left shoulder blade in the back of the back

To understand what pathology has taken over your body, you need to accurately describe the symptoms. Back pain under the left shoulder blade at the back is a common symptom of serious health problems. The difficulty in identifying a specific disease is that pain in this area of the back can manifest itself in various pathologies. From vascular lesions to pathologies of the nervous system.

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Types of pain sensation

When there is pain on the left under the shoulder blade, it is necessary to understand what the character is. Several types of pain are known:

  1. The pain under the left shoulder blade from shingles lasts a long time, the discomfort covers an area of the back. During a painful attack there is a feeling of shortness of breath, coughing and shortness of breath. The situation is related to the fact that there is a nerve pulsation in the intercostal space.
  2. The burning sensation is accompanied by tingling in part of the skin. The patient feels a tingling sensation that spreads throughout the body.
  3. Growing character. The peculiarity of this type is that the whole left arm begins to hurt, provoking an increase in muscle tone. Making hand movements becomes unbearable.
  4. Acute intense. The person loses the ability to lie on the left side. Shortness of breath with difficulty breathing is noted. Movement increases the pain, after which it becomes difficult to move.
  5. Discomfort in the back of the shoulder blade, characterized by displacement. The cutting pain occurs in the left shoulder blade, then localizes in the center along the spine. The patient has a loud sigh.
  6. Dull and painful, one might say, the easiest manifestation of those listed above. Whining in the shoulder blade will be only when a person is moving, raise the sick hand.
  7. Pulling syndrome will occur in the upper back, down the spine to the lumbar region.
  8. And another kind - sharp character.
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The list is not limited to the listed types of pain symptoms. There is oppressive pain and tingling, which can not be confused with other manifestations.

Attention should be paid to the nature of the pain syndrome. It will be easier for a medical professional to determine your pathology.

What provokes the appearance of the syndrome?

Why is there discomfort under the shoulder blade? The appearance of pain under the shoulder blade can be explained by human anatomy. Often one part of the body is affected and the unpleasant sensation from it spreads along the nerve trunks to other organs. The left shoulder blade "lies" on the costal arches, which together form the chest. With the help of ligaments and intercostal muscles, the costal arches are connected to each other.

Under each rib there are vessels and nerves that extend from the spinal cord, from the spine. The complex of ribs and left shoulder blade has a protective function. They limit the internal organs from any kind of damage: heart, left lung, stomach, spleen, pancreas and aorta.

As a result of the anatomical location of the scapula, two large groups can cause pain:

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  1. Caused by a violation of the musculoskeletal system. This includes muscle pain syndrome.
  2. Feelings due to dysfunction of internal organs.


To determine the cause of pain and make the correct diagnosis, he is prescribed the following types of diagnosis:

  • X-ray examination of the spine.
  • Gastroscopy.
  • CT, NMR.
  • ECG.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • UAC, LHC.

Depending on the damage factor, a specialist will prescribe treatment.

What is it about?

If it hurts in the back, the sensation is localized under the left shoulder blade - usually associated with one of the following disorders:

  • Pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Diseases of the bronchopulmonary sphere;
  • Digestive tract dysfunction.

Musculoskeletal disorders

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There are cases when the manifestations of painful sensations occur as a result of the destruction of the skeleton. Patients suffering from osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, spondyloarthritis, hernia and other disorders experience pain on the left side of the shoulder blade. The symptom is of two types.

  • First, soreness and pain are associated with chest disease. The character is sick, restricts movement, does not allow deep breathing.
  • Another type is felt in the form of intense colic.

Scapular periarthritis is an inflammatory disease of the shoulder structure. Irradiating pain occurs in the left arm, the left half of the back, which causes stiffness and pain in the movements.

Sprengel's syndrome is the presence of a pterygoid scapula in a patient, congenital or as a result of a disease. Prolonged, tingling pain is characteristic.

Pathologies related to the heart and blood vessels

Acute ischemia of the heart muscle - myocardial infarction. In case of a heart attack, the compression in the chest area is typical. It spreads from the heart to the left shoulder blade, arm and waist. This condition can be fatal if left untreated. It is characterized by a pronounced burning sensation and severe pain under the left shoulder blade, which interferes with normal inhalation and exhalation.

The difference between myocardial infarction is that it is not stopped by taking nitroglycerin, the attack lasts more than 15 minutes. Numbness of the hands is a common occurrence. With the development of the state one cannot hesitate.

Disease of the cardiac sphere, manifested by sharp contractions in the heart with radiation under the left shoulder blade - an attack of angina pectoris. Primary manifestations - compression in the heart area spreads to the left side. Cardialgia is contractile and acute, may worsen with movement.

The difference between angina and heart attack is that an attack of angina pectoris can be stopped by taking nitroglycerin or by physical and psychological rest. The cause of the attack is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Provoking factors: hypothermia or overheating, alcohol abuse, excessive food intake.

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Autonomic crisis is a condition similar to the manifestations of angina or heart attack. Heaviness and compression occur under the left shoulder blade and in the sternum. It spreads through the left shoulder, the forearm, reaches the distal phalanges of the fingers. Irradiates on the left side of the jaw and in the area between the shoulder blades.

The pathology is characterized by chills, inspiratory dyspnea, chest tightness and shortness of breath. The syndrome is short-lived and spreads to the epigastric region, the neck. When you take sedatives and tranquilizers, you can stop the vegetative crisis.

Bronchopulmonary diseases

Respiratory diseases are also the cause of unpleasant sensations in the left back. The main site is pneumonia or pleurisy if at least one lung is affected. The pain syndrome is accompanied by coughing, sneezing and increased pain with deep breathing. It is characterized by fever, weight loss, wheezing in the lungs on auscultation. It is very difficult to breathe. A kind of pain is cut.

Disorders of the digestive system

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Increased pain is characteristic of stomach ulcers. It is associated with the use of food, after vomiting the pain subsides. In the stomach area, he begins to pull. A reliable sign that this is a peptic ulcer are acids. Painful not only in the subcapularis, but also in the left side of the chest. The process is accompanied by muscle tension, difficulty breathing.

If the pain syndrome has occurred suddenly and manifests itself with sharp impulses, it is necessary to urgently contact an ambulance. Acute pancreatitis can cause severe discomfort. The sensations are shingles, the attack develops suddenly. A rare cause may be a ruptured spleen. With trauma to the tissues of the spleen, bleeding occurs, almost impossible to stop. Urgent surgery is needed.

Damage to the scapular area

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervix.
  2. Disruption of the walls of the intercostal nerves.
  3. Scapular-rib syndrome (occurs with physical exertion, injury, can also slip and cause this syndrome).
  4. Malignant neoplasm of the skeleton.
  5. Osteomyelitis (may occur after a gunshot wound)
  6. The defeat of the subscapulars.
  7. Shoulder-scapular periarthritis.


There are cases when painful sensations on the left occur with psychological pathologies or strong psycho-emotional stress. The cause of the pain syndrome is clear to everyone, it is provoked by stress and emotional stress. Psychosomatic diseases are accompanied by pain in the shoulder blade, somatic disorders are noted. They include:

  1. The temperature rises to high numbers.
  2. Compression, burning in the sternum.
  3. A lump in the throat.
  4. Feeling short of breath.

Who to turn to

Given the intensity and nature of the pain under the shoulder blade, you can seek help from the following specialists:

  • Calling an ambulance team is necessary in case of sudden onset of symptoms with increasing pain and deteriorating health.
  • In case of trauma that led to unpleasant sensations (stretching, lifting weights), contact a traumatologist.
  • Difficulty breathing, bluish skin tone, tingling in the chest area should be a boost to visit a cardiologist.
  • It is necessary to consult a neurologist and orthopedist in case of pain, which increases with arm exercises, physical activity, with certain disorders of the spine.
  • see a doctor for back pain under the left shoulder blade
  • Postprandial pain, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting) are reasons to visit a gastroenterologist.
  • Consult a pulmonologist if your back hurts, especially on the left under the shoulder blade, accompanied by cough and shortness of breath.
  • When the pain is permanent or temporary, appears for no apparent reason, they turn to a therapist. After a thorough examination and diagnosis, the therapist refers the patient to a narrow specialist.
  • If as a result of instrumental methods of examination it was not possible to determine the cause of the symptoms, with frequent stress, psycho-emotional stress, it is necessary to consult a psychologist and psychiatrist.

Subscapular pain therapy

There is no general treatment plan for the treatment of patients suffering from upper back pain. Therapy is carried out taking into account the etiology of the disease. For symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders, treatment is performed according to the following protocol:

It is necessary to provide the patient with special treatment.

  • Ensure peace. There are times when adequate rest eliminates muscle tension, restores function and relieves pain.
  • The medical method of treatment is used in inflammatory processes. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are prescribed.
  • Antidepressants are prescribed for prolonged, chronic pain.
  • In case of muscle spasm, muscle relaxants are used. To achieve maximum effect, more often the drug is prescribed in combination with NSAIDs, analgesics, massage and physiotherapy procedures, exercise therapy.
  • The appointment of massage courses has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscles. Helps relieve muscle spasm, relieve pain, improve blood circulation and well-being.
  • Acupuncture is used to restore nerve conduction, eliminate painful symptoms.

The method of therapy is prescribed individually for bronchopulmonary, cardiac and gastrointestinal diseases. The necessary vitamins, antibacterial drugs, analgesics and NSAIDs are selected.

Patients with symptoms of heart attack and angina are subject to emergency hospitalization.

When diagnosing aneurysms and severe pathologies, surgery is resorted to.


  1. Daily training, gymnastics. Hiking for half an hour.
  2. Complete balanced diet.
  3. Prevent injuries to joints and bones.

What the doctor will say

Medical professionals recommend that patients who have had an attack of angina pectoris or heart attack take regular medications, follow a diet and avoid stress. Spinal disease requires long-term NSAID therapy and exercise. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are stopped with the use of special drugs and diet.

Doctors advise to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, it is easier to prevent disease than to cure.


If you know for sure the cause of the discomfort under the left shoulder blade, then you can start treatment faster. It is necessary to correctly determine the cause of discomfort. As soon as you have symptoms of any of these pathologies, consult a doctor immediately. Be healthy!